Financial Management
& Analytics

Accurate financial data equals better decision-making. End the days of manual data aggregation and manipulation. Integrate CFO FM&A with your financial systems to quickly access the information you need. Make smarter, faster business decisions using pre-built dashboards, automated analytics, and secure compliant reports!

>125types of reports and analytics

AccessTransaction-level data

RPAIntegrate Machine Learning for Robotic Process Automation

Advanced reporting & analytics, including production reporting for both internal and external requirements. Work with dashboards, predictive analytics, and an advanced natural language query interface.

Detailed GL transaction reporting producing thousands of pages in a matter of seconds with the ability to easily export into Excel for further analysis.

Integration with other reporting solutions including SAP Web Intelligence, Power BI, and Tableau–providing one central common access point for all reporting needs.

Utilizing CFO Control Tower FM&A, our executive was able to generate the analysis on-demand in less than 20 minutes compared to previously waiting a month on an external vendor for the same information. His reaction? Simply, ‘Wow!’


The deployment of FM&A enabled the Department to move to the Cloud and eliminated the development and personnel costs associated with maintaining multiple on-prem customized reporting systems.