News :: Jul 8, 2024

The U.S. Department of Justice Held an Impact Day on Justice Enterprise Data Interface Solution Next Generation (JEDI-NG) with cBEYONData

On June 26, 2024, the cBEYONData team was on hand to support DOJ’s JMD Finance staff as they hosted their inaugural DOJ JEDI-NG Impact Day. The event highlighted DOJ’s collaborative efforts with cBEYONData to reshape the Department’s reporting and analytic landscape.

JEDI-NG is an agency-wide pioneering data management and analytic solution for financial management, budget formulation, and personnel planning running on the SAP NS2 platform in the AWS GovCLOUD. JEDI-NG provides visibility into every piece and part of the Department’s financial data. It also enables the agency to eliminate multiple costly systems and allocate IT resources more effectively.