
Let humans and robots each do what they do best. Our blend of robotic process automation (RPA), machine learning (ML), and artificial intelligence (AI) frees up valuable human time, so they can focus on tasks that require human touch.

Better data for key decisions

A proven combo of AI, ML, and RPA

100,000s of employee hours saved

At cBEYONData we meet you at any stage of your automation and technology journey. We developed a methodology called Zero to Artificial Intelligence (02AI) to educate our clients on the art of the possible. We help identify and craft automatization use cases and implement hyperautomation tools to optimize your operations.

We get that data is the backbone of intelligent automation, so we excel in integrating structured and unstructured data into a unified model. We bring together the perfect blend of robotic process automation, machine learning, and artificial intelligence to unlock process efficiency and business insights.

Our tools learn and improve over time without human intervention. Using AI and ML algorithms, they analyze data, identify patterns, and make decisions to optimize processes dynamically. These hyperautomations evolve and adjust to business needs and environments, driving continuous improvement and innovation. 

Leveraging 02AI, cBEYONData created HUnT (Humanless Unmatched Transactions) to automatically fix Unmatched Transactions and eliminate the need for human intervention, historically costing over $100M a year. With cBEYONData by your side, you’ll embrace the future with confidence.

HUnT was deemed awardable in the Tradewinds solutions marketplace. HUnT is a suite of tools and services designed to accelerate the procurement and adoption of Artificial Intelligence (AI)/Machine Learning (ML), data, and analytics capabilities.

I am super excited about the automation cBEYONData created for my project. It provides an excellent prototype for RPA use and will be very helpful for leadership. cBEYONData is great to work with!

cBEYONData Customer