Budget and Spend

It’s time to let go of the past. Yes, that includes budgeting and reporting in spreadsheets and PowerPoint presentations. Modernize your financial management systems with CFO BAS®, a platform designed to improve and automate planning, forecasting, consolidating, and financial reporting requirements. It also allows for collaborative budget development, visibility, and managing execution.

63%Faster time to value compared to
alternative solutions. 

80%Reduction in the number of spreadsheets
and offline data sources.

30% IT Cost Savings in streamlining
legacy systems.

CFO BAS modernizes your processes with a cloud-native solution that integrates with your operational and financial systems by providing a single platform for your Programming, Planning, Budgeting, and Execution needs.

Support Bottom-Up, Top-Down, and Middle-Out planning by allowing users to enter data at the appropriate level–including line-item details. Document assumptions and adjustments with comments and/or supporting documentation.

With advanced analytics and business intelligence built into our platform, analysts realize greater productivity with faster, more accurate analysis vs. using a separate business intelligence solution.